Monday, January 7, 2013

When Good People Do Nothing

All it takes for "bad" people to win, is for "good" people to do nothing. What am I talking about? I would like to expand this statement.
How many of you have contacted your elected federal or state representative in either house of Congress or state Legislature in the last year to six months? It is now so easy to contact these folks it almost irresponsible not to stay in contact with them. What have we "gotten" from Congress over the last 3-4 years? Well the list is very short and a matter of opinion. The last Congress is known as a Congress that did very little to nothing.

The tax bill for every American tax payer continues to increase and the spending of our Federal government is totally out of control. The "fiscal cliff" deal between Congress and the White House was only a very small band-aid on a gushing arterial wound.The Federal government continues to spend your money without any regard for the future or your condition. "Pork" continues to invade spending bills that are truly needed, an example would be help for the people trying to recover from hurricane Sandy in the North East, was loaded with spending for other parts of America. Have Americans become so self centered and selfish that we can not give money to a area of our country without asking for money for our area for low value projects. No one wants to deal with the spending of our government, "entitlements" are driving this country to the brink of bankruptcy. Yet Congress and the White House refuse to deal with the "entitlement" issue and the entitlement mentality continues to grow. It is now possible to have a cell phone provided for you by the federal government, if you are on some form of assistance. Please understand that Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements, the reason is simple, we pay for these two programs over our working life. I could continue, but let move on to other items of interest.

Congress even today is talking about more taxes, yes they say they will protect the "middle class" does it seem like that it is becoming more like the "ruling class" and the working paying class(middle class)"? I think it is time for American citizens to remind the Congress who is the boss and who "they"(Congress) work for. I for one and sick of the ruling mentality of the elected officials. Oh, by the way people who make between 30K and 50K have seen a 2% tax increase effective on 1-January.

Now many of the members of Congress are discussing "gun control" to the point that some are threatening to ban guns and try to take the existing gun from owners. Several Senators and Representatives are planning to bring forth "gun band" bills of some kind in Congress, because "we" have to legislate protection for Americans, sorry I don't need you to legislate protection for me, I do need the legal system to use the laws that are on the books. I do not want you (Congress) to mess with my guns or mess with the Second Amendment or any part of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.

Leave the First Amendment alone, I enjoy the right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech. I my right to speak my mind with out fear of government reprisal. I also enjoy the right to share my faith with people, without the fear that I could be arrested.

So all this said and read, what is the point? In a simple statement, contact your elected officials by phone, mail or email. Agree or disagree with anyone's political  position, makes no difference, be involved and contact you elected official on the state and federal level.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Freedom Will be Under Assault

Those that have read my ramblings know that there are a few things that I am passionate about and one of those is your and my freedoms as Americans. I want to share a few thoughts with you today and ask you to share these thoughts with others.
The "Occupy Movement" is growing all over the country, now I don't think these folks have a real cue as to what they are protesting or what the core motivation is for this movement. I do know that there are some fringe elements and "nut-jobs" who have attached themselves to this movement. I think they are protesting big business and big government being link together and the "common man" being left out of the loop, politically and financially. This is not a new protest, just a different time. I don't know the answer to the problem or how to make all these folks feel warm and fuzzy. What I do know, is that they are free to protest and do so peacefully and petition the government for change. That is what I would like to share some thoughts on with you today.
The United States of America exist today because the common man and woman lead by the wealthy gentry class were willing to challenge the most powerful government in the world in 1776, for economic freedom. Please make a note and understand the American revolt was motivated by taxes and economic conditions, the politics were a side bar. Yes the colonist want to rule themselves and make their own laws, but the root of the matter was the extreme taxes placed on the colonies by the crown, the limitations of free trade and the restriction of people freedoms. The crown had decreed that people were limited to one or two days worth of black powder and lead shot(gun control), all commerce and trade had to be shipped through England(commerce control), all criminal trials had to be tried in England(criminal justice control), and all commerce no matter how small was heavily taxed. The rights of the people had been slowly eroded away, by the upper wealthy ruling class in England, that would have been the bankers, political types, and the head of the government( the King), all in an effort to control the economy and the people. By 1776 the people's right to free speech and assembly were be infringed upon, one more thing for the colonist to protest against.
Does this look anything like America today? I see the similarities, do you? What are the answers? Another American revolution, rioting in the streets, Occupy movement or do we just give up and say "what ever"?
Short of an all out American revolution of the 21st century, there are somethings the average American can do to make things better in our country.
Vote freedom in 2012, do not vote for the guy who says the government can fix all things, or will provide you everything you ever will need. Vote for the person who will save guard your freedom to speak, protest, petition the government, attend or not attend a religious service, to own and carry a gun, to be free from illegal search and seizure and the right to vote. Vote freedom in 2012. How do I know this person? Good question, glad you asked.
Look deeply in to the back ground writings and statement of the individual. Please keep in mind that political types and their handlers are masters of lies, and telling you what they know or think you want to here. The real  person comes to the surface when the mics are off and the cameras have gone blank. What has this person said in a side bar conversation, or casual comment?  One real way to find out if the candidate is a pro-freedom individual, is investigate their stance on gun control and the Second Amendment freedoms.
The Second Amendment is in the Constitution to allow the people to challenge the government at the point of arms if needed. This freedom was not inserted to allow people to hunt or sport shoot or any of the other "stuff" political types tell us. The framers of the Constitution had just thrown off an unfair and unjust and greedy government, and they wanted the American people to always have that option if needed. There are government types and political types that will tell you that I am wrong and they will lie to you with a straight face. The right to keep and bear arms (own and carry a gun) is the best indicator of the political candidates freedom stance. You can not believe what they say in public, you and I must do due diligence and find out what the say off the record to get a true insight to their value of freedom. Why is the Second Amendment a good indicator? Because once that freedom is done away with the others will follow shortly there after.  The political types really do not like those who would disagree with their opinions and would just as soon eliminate the right of freedom of the press and speech. There are people who want to control what you and I say and will call it "hate speech" just to silence someone who has a different opinion.
One example is the control the Canadian government now has over public speakers in that country, pastors, political speakers, any public speaker can be charged with "hate speech" if they offend someone, based on religion, sexual orientation, race or any other number of factors, however before that law could be passed the Canadian people had to be dis-armed, it is now very hard for a Canadian citizen to purchase a gun and they have to jump through a lot of government hoops.
Observe what has happened in the United Kingdom(England) now that the general public can not own a gun. Crime rate has and continues to soar, up over 600%.
I use all of this to say a few simple things. The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights included there in is under attack by those who want to control you. The loss of the Second Amendment right to Keep and Bear arms is the key to destroying all of your other rights.
Don't believe the candidates public words, dig deeper and learn the truth. Mr Obama and his friends in Washington DC want to strip you of your rights. Wake up America and vote FREEDOM, that maybe what prevents the 21st century American revolution.
I think the next blog will be titled "REAL Change we can Believe In"

Monday, October 10, 2011

Observations on the "Occupy Movement"

Having read the demands and complaints for the Occupy "you name the place" movement, I have a few observations.
1) Most of these folks seem to be unemployed or underemployed individuals and have student loans they can't, but need to pay.
2) Most of the these folks appear to want everything to be given to them, example, they want to start out in the work field of their choice at the top, or at least half way up the ladder.
3) Because they have not sacrificed for much of anything in their lives, they don't want to scrape by and work their way up the ladder success.
4) Most of them would not stand and fight for anything; everything I have read from the posting of the folks appear to be very weak.
5) They all seem to be mad at the corporations for being successful.
6) The government should provide some type of help to me and the rest of our group and take it away from the corporations and people that have worked to earn it, is what they proclaim in a nut shell so to speak.
7) We need food, blankets, and supplies, someone please send these items to us, because we don't work therefore we can't buy the stuff and stealing is to much like work.
8) Most of these folks have a gross misunderstanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
9) Freedom to Assemble does not mean you can block traffic on the street. The right to petition the government for redress of grievances doesn't apply to corporations and the government has only limited(too much, if you ask me) control of corporations.
10) The government control of corporation should be increase according to these folks or businesses should be controlled somehow. The economic problem we now have are due in part to the government getting into the business of business control.
The Wording from the Declaration of Independence: Life, liberty and pursuit  happiness, was originally life, liberty and the  pursuit of wealth, according to some historians; being as the driving factor behind the Revolution was commerce, that very well may be true.
My answer to the "Occupy" crowd is similar to Herman Cain, GO GET A JOB. If  you can't find one make one, then you won't have time to sit around and eat someone else food that is provided to you at no cost.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Died Today

I died today, my little lifeless body was buried in a shallow grave in the dirt of my poor country, by my grieving parent, you see I only knew my mom. Dad never stayed around and I did not know him at all. Mom tried to provide for us, me and my three siblings, a girl and two brothers, I was the youngest. There was never enough food to feed us all at the same time, so mom fed us on different days, and she would go for days without eating so she could feed us. The water we drank was smelly and tasted bad. After I drank the water I got really sick and was throwing up everything and even threw-up blood. In a few days I got a little better, but we had to drink more water because it is very hot where I lived and even my brother got sick too. We were so sick we could not eat, but that meant more for the rest of the family. Most of the food we had came from the trash pile and what others had thrown out. The village I lived in is small and very poor, everyone works hard to survive, we did not have a doctor and no school, I would have liked to go to school and became a doctor. I remember the water more than anything, the smell was so bad, but we were so thirsty, we drank it.
One day a man from a place call America, came to our village and he brought a big tank and he said it had clean water in it and we all came to the center of the village and we all had clean water that day. I will always remember that day, the water was so good, no smell and oh the taste, so good. While the American was in our village he told us stories about a man called Jesus and how He was the son of God and that one day we could meet God if we believed in Jesus. He told us about living water that was pure and clean, that day I ask Jesus for living clean pure water, I was 5 two days later. After a week the American left with his tank and promised to come back and dig a water well so we could always have clean water, I know he meant it, because he was very nice to all of us and left all of the water from his tank in our village. The clean water ran out and the American did not return and we all had to drink the old water again. We really hoped that the American would come back soon and get us more clean water, but days went by and no American and no water well.
I started to get sick again from the bad smelly water, and mom could not make it any better, she did everything she could. I just got sicker and sicker, I died today at the age of five.
I now know that the American was telling the truth about Jesus and God, you see today I have all the water I can ever need and it is clear, cool and clean. Jesus met me the moment I died and He took me to heaven and I got to meet God Himself and He loved me and made everything better. I now know the American is working hard to raise enough money in America to drill wells in my poor country, he told the truth. I am not sad because I left my family, I am with Jesus and everything will be good, I do wish the American could hurry and drill the well so my brothers, sister and mom don't get sick and die too. My brother wants to be a doctor and my sister wants to be a teacher and start a school in our village.
Can you please help the American that needs money to drill a well in my poor village?
Will you help the American drill a well in a poor village in a poor country? There are a large number of organization that undertake water well drilling in third world places. You can contact CrossWinds church at and we can help you help the American drill the well.
America is a Bless country and people.Will you share today?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is the Root Problem in America?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Copied directly from the Constitution of the USA, do you notice a common thread running through the words, even unwritten it jumps off the page at you. Let me help you out a little, it is idea that we, the American people have a common interest and a common goal as a whole community. The writers believed that Americans were bound together by a common purpose and a general goal and that thought created a community of commonality. People were concerned about their welfare and that of their families, but would also be concerned about the welfare of their neighbor and community and country. They were individuals bound together by a common purpose and belief and that bond created strength and unity of purpose. People would put their differences aside to defend America, did they sometime disagree politically, yes and strongly, but when needed they would stand together.
I would submit to you today that America in made of individuals that do not regard themselves as having anything in common with anyone outside of their family. We have become a nation of "me's" and "I's" and that is all that is important. What is in it for me? Why should I care about someone in a different part of the town where I live or the country for that matter. We are no longer united in commonality of mission, everyone wants  their piece of the pie and the devil with everyone or everything else. The government should give me what I want and provide for me, I don't think I should pay taxes, or fees, I should have a new house and car at the expense of the government. No I don't want to work and do my share for someone I don't know. The "me" generation has given way to most self centered least informed and least caring group of Americans ever.
Not to different in the Christian church today, there is division over important and unimportant issues. People of faith seem to forget that we are bound together by Jesus and He told us to go and teach what He taught, make disciples and baptist believers, lay hands on the sick, cast out demons and speak in unknown tongues. That is a combined teaching from the last chapters of the Gospel of Matthew and Mark. There is a common theme that runs here and to make it very simple, three things are important: Make disciples, teach what He taught, and baptist people. Simple and common goals for all churches.
The preamble to the Constitution is pretty simple too, and clearly gives the goals for the American people. It is time that the people of America returned to the simple plan of the Constitution and the people of Jesus returned to the simple plan He gave us.
You are free because someone paid for your freedom with their blood and life. Jesus paid for your sins and you can be free through Him and the American military paid for your freedom with their blood so you could live freely.
Blessing to you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Government Vs God...God's Response

     With so many people in American society today claiming that the government must do something about anything they view as a problem, I think a quick review of government role and God's role in our personal and public lives is in order.
      The role of the American government is to clearly delineated in the opening statement of the Constitution:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
      The people gave limit power to an elected body to pass laws to accomplish the above objective. The elected body is Congress and state legislatures and these governmental bodies are suppose to pass law that work for the good of the people. Now a law is nothing more than a rule that one must follow, or be held accountable by the government and fined, jailed or both. Most laws completely remove your right to choose or grossly limit that right. For example you have the ability to drive a vehicle at 100 mph, yet the government(for the general good) limits you to a speed limit. You really don't have much of a choice. In some circles there are people who feel the government should control your choices from the time you are born until you die, (it is referred to as cradle to grave government care). For example there has recently been put out to the public, the idea that obese children are being abused by their parents feeding them to much and that the government should step in and do something like take custody of the children. The government now tells you that you must purchase health insurance or you will be fined or taxed into submission. I do not think this is what is meant by "promote general welfare", just as I suspect that government "entitlements" were not what was thought of this was written.
     So to sum this up in a simple sentence: Some people in the government don't think you are smart enough to manage your own life and therefore they must provide for you everything and what you receive from them is what you must be happy with. We are from the government and we are going to help you.
      Compare that to God, who says, I love you and want what is best for you. I have made a way for you, but you are certainly free to refuse my way and go your own. I gave you everything that you needed and then provided a way to live a mostly happy, healthy and prosperous life. Through Jesus I provided you a free way out of sin and death, all you had to was accept it. By putting My kingdom first and using your talent, time and money, I will bless you and you will prosper, but you are free to refuse my offer. If you put my Kingdom first and give of your finances, I will give more back to you, no it will not be instant, but it will come. If you serve me I will make you a light in your world for freedom and grace. You will have the chance to tell people about what I can do and how many blessing are in your life because you serve me. No it will not always be easy and sometimes it will be scary and difficult, but it will never be boring. I even can provide healing for your physical body when needed, no health insurance required and no co-payment needed. That being said, I created it all and I keep it all going and moving in the right direction, if I take my hand off of something it spins in to chaos. Take a look at the countries that have turned their backs on me, how did it work out for them?
      America was born from the desire of men and women to be free and to be able to worship Me and serve Me, I guided it and I blessed it and I prospered it. Now the government want to claim the credit and the people who don't want Me in their lives deny what I did for America some of them even deny that I exist. I will remove my hand one day and if you think it is bad now, just wait. The other option is better, repent, turn from your wicked ways and I will heal your land. The choice is yours, choose wisely. I love you.
FATHER GOD, JESUS the SON and HOLY SPIRIT, all three in one.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Would Jesus Say About Same Sex Marriages?

      Recently a friend of mine sent me a link to a magazine article from a Christian magazine and the article was written by a pastor who was concerned about the legalization of same sex marriages in New York; with the question WWJD or what would Jesus do? I have thought about that and prayed about that for a few days and I here now offer my humble opinion on that topic. I make no apologies that I write this from a Pentecostal Christian view point, one might could subtitle this "What should the Christian Church Do About Same Sex Marriages".
      God delivered to Moses a large body of laws for the people of Israel to live by, some of these laws were for spiritual living and holiness, some of them were for general health of physical living, and some of them were for moral health and all were important.
      Now Jesus fulfilled the spiritual laws required for holiness and salvation, and you and I are no longer under the Old Covenant that requires an animal sacrifice for the atonement of sin, Jesus paid that price once and for all. PETA would down our throats if we were still doing animal sacrifices.
   Jesus did not abolish the Laws of God, He completed and fulfilled them. Matthew 5:17. Jesus made it clear that the moral and physical health laws that God gave Moses were not to be abolished. They were for the good of the nation, now I know some of them seem silly today, because we now have chemicals to kill mold and drugs to treat diseases, so maybe some of the physical life laws don't apply as much today as they did 4000 years ago.
      That being said the moral life laws, I believe are still as applicable today as they were when they were given. Leviticus chapter 18 gives clear instructions about sexual relationship(whom you are NOT suppose to have sex with), verse 15 clearly refers to homosexual relationships.  Matthew 5:27-28 deals with adultery and then 29-30 instructs us to take serious action to avoid sin and temptation. Matthew 7:1-5 deals with judging others when you yourself have sin issues to deal with. I have put down a foundation lets build a clear statement from this.
      We have no record of Jesus ever officiating a wedding service nor a funeral. We do however have Jesus confronting the church leaders for not doing good on the Sabbath, and being hypocritical towards the laws of God. Jesus healed on the Sabbath and His disciples picked grain to eat on the Sabbath all in direction violation of the tradition of the elders of the temple. I have never found a law in the Bible against healing or feeding yourself or someone else on the Sabbath, yet church leaders condemned Him for healing people on the Sabbath.
      Jesus confronted the church leaders for this type of action, condemning others while in sin themselves,  that is why we have Matthew 7:1-5, please note that Jesus was not saying "Do not judge the difference between right and wrong", He was referring to passing judgement on other people and their sin, while you are neck deep in your own sin. For many years this piece of scripture has been thrown at anyone (include the Christian church) who commented on someone else involved in sin or wrong doings. I have had that thrown at me in the past. I think Jesus is going to confront the church leaders about not speaking out about this sin issue and all the others.
      Jesus would be calling the church to stand up and speak the moral and Holy Truth to this issue. No more namby pamby, don't won't to hurt your feeling, everyone must feel good preaching. The truth is God finds it to be an abomination to His holiness and Jesus is God. The message is clear and should be loud and strong, NO! Turn from you sin, confess and be healed, flee from this or the end result will be a devil's hell for you.

    Alexis de Toqueville a French political thinker and historian wrote the following in his analysis and description of American life, Democracy in America, published in 1835.
I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her ample rivers - it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there.  Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits ablaze with righteousness did I meet the secret of her genius and power.  America is great because she is good, and if America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.
     Americas' pulpits need to be ablaze again, the fire has died in many places to a very low coal barely burning and in other places the coals are completely cold. This the real tragedy in this whole story.
      I think Jesus would ask "Where is my Church?" "Where are my people?" Then He would weep as He did for Jerusalem. Yes I think Jesus would call it what it is, a sin and then He would call the sinner to repentance and tell them to go and sin no more. Yes Jesus loves the sinner and hates the sin, what a great example to the church today. Love the sinner and hate the sin, stand strong for holiness and God's loving law. Be loud and strong, preach the truth in love, but never back down.
      May God richly bless you today.